QI Macros SPC Software for Excel is an affordable, easy-to-use Excel add-in for all of your data analysis needs. It draws Pareto charts, histograms with Cp Cpk, box whisker plots, scatter, and control charts. It contains over 100 Lean Six Sigma fill-in-the-blank templates such as an automated fishbone diagram, value stream map, QFD, DOE, FMEA, PPAP forms, and MSA Gage R&R. It performs statistical analysis tests including ANOVA, t-test, F-test, and regression analysis.
This Excel add-in will deliver immediate results in business environments using Grab-It-And-Go Simplicity and mistake-proof selection of data. Your data can be connected or separated or in rows or columns. QI Macros will clean up nonnumeric data, fix any misalignments and use your data as you selected it.
QI Macros wizards contain functionality not included in any other six sigma or statistical process control software. The Control Chart Wizard selects and runs the right control chart for you. The Pivot Table wizard analyzes your data and creates a pivot table for you. The Data Mining wizard combines the power of the Pivot Table and Control chart wizards and automatically creates control charts and Pareto charts from a data spreadsheet with one click. The Statistical Wizard selects, runs the right statistical tests, and even interprets the results for you (e.g. reject or accept the null hypothesis, mean / variances are the same or different). Mistake-proof your six sigma data and statistical analysis using this powerful tool. more